Untitled GB Game was a solo games jam entry created in one week for Bored Pixels Jam 3. It tells the story of a lone game developer struggling to come up with the perfect idea for a games jam and is heavily influenced by The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
The game came 1st place in three of the six judging categories (Relevance to the Theme, Creativity and Visual Experience) and came in 4th place overall.
The game was created using my open source project GBDK.js which allowed me to cross compile as both a GameBoy ROM file and a HTML5 mobile responsive web application.
Previous to the game jam I had been building a number of graphical game design tools for GameBoy and this was the first test project for those tools.
The game is available to download for GameBoy or play online on Itch.io at https://chrismaltby.itch.io/untitled-gb-game